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Improving Traffic Flow

Walsh has been instrumental in investing in quality-of-life transportation projects. She worked with local cities to advocate for state investment in SR 18 to help alleviate pass-through traffic.

She supported the creation of the Transportation Advisory Board and the adoption of their recommended Mobility Master Plan.


There was a $1 million investment in light rail planning and the I-90 crossing location, and she championed budget investments in street and sidewalk maintenance. Additionally, she piloted and launched the Olde Town traffic calming initiative and supported public transit routes, including the upcoming Talus and Squak neighborhood shuttle.


Building Affordable Housing

Walsh has been a strong advocate for affordable housing. She supported a future Transit-Oriented Development project near the Park & Ride with 155 affordable units.

She continued support for ARCH (A Regional Coalition for Housing) to build new affordable housing and implemented direct rental assistance, low-income utility rebates, and grants to non-profit organizations.


Under her leadership, the City Council approved the Central Issaquah Pioneer Program, which includes tax exemptions to spur the construction of denser mixed-use housing in transit-rich areas, aiming to add up to 800 homes.


Increasing Public Safety

Walsh has focused on improving public safety, including hiring Chief Paula Schwan to lead and re-grow the police department. She supported full staffing for police officers, dispatchers, and jail staff, including hiring and retention bonuses that helped fill 27 previous vacancies.


She passed a shopping cart ordinance to reduce walk-out shoplifting from retail stores and grew the Human Services department from 1 to 6 staff, including 2 Behavioral Health Coordinators who respond to crisis situations.


Ensuring Fiscal Responsibility

Walsh has been committed to fiscal responsibility, championing balanced budgets that address community needs. She has also focused on maintenance and repair to be good stewards of local investments.


She supported local businesses, being a small business owner herself, and has been involved in local action on the climate crisis through the implementation of the Issaquah Climate Action Plan.


Representing Our City

Walsh represents Issaquah regionally by serving on the Eastside Fire & Rescue Board, King County Affordable Housing Committee (AHC), and Puget Sound Regional Council's Growth Management Policy Board (GMPB).


Supporting Local Business

To help keep businesses afloat during the pandemic, Walsh voted to provide over $1.5M in direct grants to local businesses in Issaquah. Walsh also served as the Council representative to the Issaquah Chamber of Commerce in her first term. She has been a member of the Chamber since 2016. Walsh also represented business interests regionally during her time on the Economic Development District Board.

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